Posts Blogs and Reviews
Posts Blogs and reviews – This page does exactly what it say on the tin, you will find our Posts, Blogs , vlogs and Reviews all in one place. Nice and simple we have even broken them up into sections for you so that they are easy to find.
This section covers places I have visited, including museums, historic places and railways.
Each post will give more informaion than I can add to my social media channels, with more photographs and explanations

Swanage by steam
Swanage by steam – A Birthday treat As the title suggest this was a special trip for me and care of Mrs Catpaw, not only

Cathederals, creatures and tin mines
Cathederals creatures and tin mines Cathederals creatures and tin mines is a light hearted view of our winter visit to that there Cornwall, including a

Keeping it local
Keeping it Local a few images from our recent walk round Wallington and Fareham including views of local land marks and pubs as well as

Burley craft and cider fair
Hosted by New forest cider the Burley craft and cider fair has been going for many years, this is an event that almost has a

Bird world
Birdworld first opened its doors in 1968, over the years it has been at the forefront of conservation efforts

Coalbrook dale, Blists Hill and the Iron Bridge
A visit to the Iron Brdge Gorge, Blist Hill Museum and Shrewsbury
Themed Posts

Railway Photography
I have always been an fan of railways, this section shows some of my favourite images from across the country.